Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Powerful Sentences, Setting Goals, and Marvelous Mathematicians

We have had a great start to the school year. We have been focusing on building our classroom community, getting into routines, and have spent a lot of time launching the Daily 5. We are already up to almost twelve minutes during Read to Self. Yesterday, we launched Work on Writing and made it over four minutes our first try. In fact, we could have gone longer but it was lunchtime!

In writing, we are working on building powerful sentences. We used the noun "second graders" and built powerful sentences around it substituting "second graders" for many different synonyms. Today, after we built the sentence we wrote it in our journals.


We also set goals of what we wanted to accomplish this year and did a cute craftivity to go with our goals. The recycling lesson they had from last year really stuck because that was definitely a popular goal this year!!!


Today we used a lesson from Amy Lemons and brainstormed what mathematicians do such as try their best, use multiple strategies, visualize the math problem, and relate math to real life situations.






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