It has been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks in our classroom and I have a feeling things are not going to settle down until after the holidays. Two weeks ago we made bat caves to go with our bat unit. This involved getting very messy! Some kids loved the slimy paper mache mess but others were not quite so pleased. My favorite quote of the day from one of my girlies was; "This is the worst day EVER!" This was said while her hands were covered with starch and flour. :)
This is probably my favorite picture of the day! Are these two cuties having fun or what???!
Then, to top off the morning we made Fruit Bat Kabobs. Delicious!
To celebrate Halloween in our classroom, our amazing room mom planned five fun rotations. We painted pumpkins that were generously donated by Lilly's parents, played a mummy wrap game, painted our feet to make adorable trick or treating bags, made bagel jack o'lanterns, and "Frankensmores."
Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet!
Painting Pumpkins
Bagel Jack O'Lanterns
Little Mummies